At Touch Animal Rehabilitation, our goal is to help your beloved companion regain their movement, relieve pain, and receive comfort. Whether recovering from a Orthopedic operation, an injury, or a senior pet losing their mobility, our personal therapy & fitness programs are tailored to your pet’s needs. With our state-of-the-art technology and equipment, your pet is in loving hands. From Rehab to Relief, Touch Animal Rehabilitation offers a variety of treatments to ease your pet's pain and improve health. We utilize; an Underwater Treadmill, a Class IV Therapy Laser, a Class 3b Laser, Electrochemical Stimulation, Kinesiology Taping, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Conditioning Exercise Equipment, Massage therapy, Thermotherapy and Cryotherapy.
Common conditions that these therapeutic tools can support are: Cruciate Ligament Injuries, Hip/Elbow Dysplasia, Intevertebral Disk Disease, Osteoarthritis, Neurological Disorders, and more.
Touch has the only underwater treadmill in the region: the Petsafe VT 810. The warm water relaxes your pet’s muscles while the track enables them to extend and stretch their bodies.
Your pet benefits from the effect that hydrotherapy has on sore muscles and joints. The use of water reduces the amount of weight being placed on the joints and allows the pet to move each joint freely increasing its range of motion and providing important nutrition to the joints.
The buoyancy of the water can offers resistance, allowing us to build endurance and increase performance. The underwater treadmill is a safe, drug-free, and proven effective method of treatment which:
Improves range of motion and mobility
Treats the aches and pains of osteoarthritis
Enhances cardiovascular function and performance
Accelerates return to function after injury
Provides stability and confidence while exercising
Intensifies conditioning or boost weight loss
Minimizes weight on arthritic joints or during post-op recovery
Laser therapy has been proven to be effective in providing pain relief for those suffering from osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, feline arthritis, muscle strain, tendon damage, and numerous diseases affecting the skin (i.e. aural hematoma). Using the Class IV Companion Laser we can offer pain relief and muscle relaxation.
This deep tissue laser uses a beam of light to deeply penetrate tissue without damaging it. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells which leads to pain reduction, reduced inflammation and increased healing speed. Because of this, laser therapy is exceptionally beneficial to pets undergoing any type of orthopedic or general surgery as it produces healing in each individual cells.
The laser light is delivered through a massaging hand piece. Your pet may feel a gentle soothing warmth and the treatments are only a matter of minutes.
Gentle and effective massage releases tight muscles, which will, in turn, improve your dog’s strength, flexibility & endurance. This can be beneficial to athletic dogs as well as senior pets, as it stimulates the nervous system, increases blood flow and improves circulation and nutrition to the muscles. Massage can also help improve mobility and reduce the pain associated with muscle tension. Together, we help your dog continue to be active and help them into their senior years by developing a routine that will include a home program that you and your dog can do together, following a day of activity or senior discomfort.
Interested in learning how to give gentle therapeutic massages to your pet? Check out Touch Training Academy!
Therapeutic ultrasound is a method of stimulating tissue beneath the skin's surface using sound waves.
It is a very high frequency massage that penetrates below the surface of the skin and warms the soft tissue.
Generally used in combination with other modalities for pain relief, therapeutic ultrasound is frequently used to treat conditions such as hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis. It is also very often used for post-op patients.
The gentle thermal effects of therapeutic ultrasound facilitate an increase in blood flow and enzyme activity in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This helps to decrease swelling, promote healing, reduce the buildup of scar tissue, and relieve pain.
Electrical stimulation or “E-Stim” is a wonderful modality that we use at Touch! It is useful for helping dogs with acute or chronic pain, numerous orthopedic injuries along with neurological diseases and even muscle loss! E-stim allows us to help with pain control, reduce swelling, and also helps to accelerate healing! E-stim uses electrical pulses to mimic the action of signals coming from neurons. These currents target either nerves or muscles. This type of therapy sends signals to targeted muscles to make them contract, facilitating neuromuscular reeducation, all without any pain to your pet.
Exercise therapy is great for core strengthening, increased range of motion, flexibility, neuromuscular facilitation, sensory and perceptual stimulation, joint alignment, and balance control.
Core strength is a fundamental element used by your dog to control its body when jumping, turning, and running. Helping your dog develop strong core muscles can reduce and prevent injuries. This is true whether your dog is involved in sport, is a working dog, or just a couch potato with healthier aspirations.
Core conditioning is an essential part of any athletes training program, including the performance dog. If your dog participates in agility competitions, you'll want to make sure your dog is in prime physical condition.
Once on top of the FitPAWS® conditioning equipment, your dogs body will automatically react to the shifting movement, causing your dog to use different muscle groups simultaneously in order to remain upright.
Adding this strengthening activity to your dog's cross-training activities 3-4 times a week generates:
Improved reaction and control
Increased trunk and core strength
Stabilization of weak areas
Improved balance and proprioception
Improved sensory and body awareness
Increased range of motion in joints and elongation of muscles